the hyperdimensional resonator

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re: the hyperdimensional resonator

Post by pezman » Sun Jul 23, 2006 3:10 pm

The movie "Napoleon Dynamite" has a scene featuring this device. My personal recommendation wold be that you rent the movie as part of your research.

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Re: re: the hyperdimensional resonator

Post by marksteamnz » Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:18 pm

superhornet59 wrote:lol i kinda missed that. so it does work??
PT Barnum made well know the phrase "There's a sucker born every minute"
Enough hints?
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re: the hyperdimensional resonator

Post by pezman » Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:00 pm

Here's a link to a picture of the device in question.

Based on the location of the electrodes, I suspect that the device has a eugenic purpose, and that the promise of time-travel is a just a clever self-selection mechanism.

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Re: re: the hyperdimensional resonator

Post by tufty » Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:10 pm

superhornet59 wrote:
Ben wrote:"I believe in an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out." -- Arthur Hays Sulzberger
new that one would come up lol

anyway, i know you guys are theorizing whether it can or cant work, or what it even does. its great, but lets find someone with a more concrete opinion. someones whos actualy used it?
It connects the brain to the ovaries, and - umm - resonates them. The male usage version has the lower two electrodes - umm - lower.

You've seen the Woody Allen film "The Sleeper", right? It's a bit like the "orgasmatron" but that name was already taken.


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re: the hyperdimensional resonator

Post by Jim Berquist » Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:51 pm

Timothy Leary did it for about $2.00 a day trip! No hardware involved. If you need the documentation, check out the HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy. It worked for him!!!!!!!!!

WHAT TO FRAP, IT WORKED![url=callto://james.a.berquist]Image[/url]

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re: the hyperdimensional resonator

Post by Irvine.J » Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:29 pm

Resonance, and the facts about just everything.
If your into resonance, I cant applaud a little program called SBAGEN enough, I use the program for manipulating certain resonant frequencies on various objects, with LOTS of power.
What super hornet was talking about is HEMI-SYNC, its what monks do by syncronising the resonant frequency of their brain by employing the 2 sets of vocal chords we have, though 99% of us only ever use 1.

(I'm an audio engineer) Anyway, as far as i can tell, its all just in your head, your brain, having 2 sides, and 2 seperate resonant frequencies should be balanced and tuned on a regular basis, this program allows you to basically do what monks do with their vocal chords. You can find the "HEMI-SYNC" tapes from the munroe institute on torrent files too. (Anyone interested in resonance for your brain check out the munroe institute.) Experiment!!! And no, time travel is not possible, why, because time IS energy, or the current state of energy withing a measured area of the universe (it must be measured, though we lack the capability really to properly measure anything as we have no comparison to the rest of the universe.) Time, we made it up one day, like everything, its all just in your head, in my humble oppinion anyway. Hell, good luck to anyone proving anything on this point anyway.... Just watch HITCHHIKERS
Anyway, call me crazy, but I stayed up for as long as I could over 4 days once, listening to SBAGEN at varied times, at 6:20 am, or what i though to be, the most unbelievable experience in my entire life occured, when I realised I never actually needed to go to sleep again... then ... anyway, find out for yourself. Sorry if i offended anyone by this post.

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re: the hyperdimensional resonator

Post by Eric » Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:50 am

One program called brainwave generator is also quite good. It uses the same idea as the hemi-sync to cause a binural beat, each ear hears a different frequency and a beat forms in your brain, and over time listening to the beat can cause your brainwave patterns to syncronize to the beat.

Brainwave generator has a bunch of presets to help you meditate, sleep, relax, focus, etc, and you can also change the settings to get all kinds of other effects.

If you make your own custom settings or use some of the ones floating around you can get all kinds of screwy effects, like not needing sleep for long periods of time, or lucid dreaming ( where you know your dreaming and can control everything), or even what is called astral projection.

"Astral projection" is an altered state of conciousness, where you basically keep your mind awake and put your body into a sleep state.

Eventually you will feel like your body is resonating, and you can feel several standing wave nodes throughout your body, if you let it continue you will start hearing loud buzzing vibration noises, and then you become aware of feeling as if you had two bodies, one that is inside of another. At this point the vibrations are going so fast that you cant feel them anymore, and you can feel the sensation of the two bodies seperating, you can start to seperate from your "physical" body, at this point your eyes are shut and you cant see anything, when you completely seperate you gain full control of the body that seperated, and you can open your eyes.

When you do this its the wildest mind blowing experience, as you can sit up, look around the room, move around, the really mind blowing part is when you look back at the bed and see yourself laying there! Everything looks exactly like it does in real life, and you can see everything with perfect clarity through your whole field of vision, but you cant move anything, or see the body that you feel you have.

Thats all the truth, I make no claims as to what is actually happening at this point, but the experience is something that you can duplicate, some other things you might want to look into are remote viewing, out of body experiences, or any of that stuff.

The brain and "conciousness" are very poorly explored areas, while there are a lot of people that would dismiss this kind of stuff immediately, its a little harder to blow off when you feel yourself leave you body, turn around, and see yourself laying there.... kind of makes you ponder

Talking like a pirate does not qualify as experience, this should be common sense, as pirates have little real life experience in anything other than smelling bad, and contracting venereal diseases

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re: the hyperdimensional resonator

Post by Mark » Sun Jul 30, 2006 3:42 pm

When I took psychology, I found it interesting how if you layed so that everything looked upside down for a few days, you brain would flip the scene so that it was "right" again. Another way was to wear mirrored glasses to get the same effect. Funny how the brain can reset itself to deal with what it sees. I also remember something about that it was not really good for you to do this, that there was some negative effect from it.
Another neat experiment was sensory deprivation, the person layed on a bed, even his arms were engulfed in foam padding. Then the person starts to hallucinate after a few days or so, seeing all sorts of things that are not really there.
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re: the hyperdimensional resonator

Post by Eric » Sun Jul 30, 2006 7:39 pm

Anyone ever see that clip on the discovery channel about how they took a cluster of cells from a rat brain, stuck some wires to it, and taught it how to fly a F22? I always wondered if you could just plug stuff into your brain and have it learn how to use it.

Maybe someday we will all have built in calculators, equation solvers, spell checkers, dictionaries, encyclopedias, digital cameras, extra storage memory, and language translation programs all in one, as well as wireless network connections to download new information.

Lucid dreaming is a very good way to experience just how powerful our brains already are. Normal dreams are fuzzy and most people cant remember them. Sometimes people might realize they are dreaming and be able to control the dream sligthly.

If you try to remember and replay your dreams each morning you will start to remember more and more detail each day, and each one will become more and more clear while you are dreaming. Eventually you will be able to realize when you are dreaming so that your concious mind can completely take over, and you will have 100% recollection of what happens in the dream.

When you get to the point where your consistanly at 100% conciousness the dreams are so real that you cant tell them from the real world, well unless you choose to dream about flying to a distant galaxy or things like that.

My point is that your brain can create an entire universe in such stunning detail, where you can instantly choose to do anything you want, and everything feels real, if you go to the beach you can feel the warmth of the sunshine on your face, the sand in between your toes, the sound of the waves and seaguls, you can pick up a handful of warm sand and let it drain between your fingers and feel it all as it lands back on your feet, tastes and textures of food and drinks are all exactly the way you want.

If I could make a system to get people to lucid dream at that level with the push of a button I would have more sales than all the video game systems combined.

The really amazing thing is also you can simply choose to be concious in the lucid dream and have your subconcious mind control the world around you, just incase you dont enjoy controling physics or flying through space at warp 10000. You might find yourself having a conversation with someone and have absolutely no idea how your subconcious mind came up with factual information that you never heard of before!

With the "astral projection", if it is simply a dream type state, then why does your brain go through making it feel like your conciousness is leaving your body?

Who knows, the brain is just too complicated, maybe its acting like a quantum computer, or powering an improbability drive. It could very well be that reality is just a mass halucination.

Talking like a pirate does not qualify as experience, this should be common sense, as pirates have little real life experience in anything other than smelling bad, and contracting venereal diseases

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Re: re: the hyperdimensional resonator

Post by vhautaka » Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:43 am

Eric wrote: cells from a rat brain, stuck some wires to it, and taught it how to fly a F22? I always wondered if you could just plug stuff into your brain and have it learn how to use it.

Maybe someday we will all have built in calculators, equation solvers, spell checkers, dictionaries, encyclopedias, digital cameras, extra storage memory, and language translation programs all in one, as well as wireless network connections to download new information.
Some people are already experimenting with implants that are connected to nerve cells in arms for example. Don't know how they're doing - but I suppose a binary interface would be easier to learn than the thousands of little muscle movements needed for example for typing...

While reading this, you're actually very likely downloading information wirelessly through a complex, multi-layer system of optics, photo sensors and a highly adaptable image recognition. Also sound waves are wireless - the wire was added just less than two hundred years ago.

Moreover, I'm here using a language translation/dictionary program developed over many years that can easily migrate information even from languages I've never used or studied.

I see the modern communications equipment as just extension to human abilities. Witchcraft is what this kind of communication would have been called just a little while ago.
When you get to the point where your consistanly at 100% conciousness the dreams are so real that you cant tell them from the real world, well unless you choose to dream about flying to a distant galaxy or things like that.
When dreaming about flying to a distant galaxy there's no reason to think it's not real. To me, everything in dreams makes sense (at least as much as in real life).

Of course you can feel, very realistically, everything that you're dreaming about. The thing that distinguishes it from real world is all the things you don't dream about - everything on the dreams revolves around you.

You feel the sand on the beach as you concentrate on it, you see the seagulls eyeing your picnic basket, BUT, there was not even a picnic basket, you don't remember packing or carrying it, you just dreamed it up out of necessity. Of course the food is just the way you want it to be.

In dreams at least I can never remember how I got to a place.

The way dreams simulate reality brings to my mind a computer game, say Grand Theft Auto, where you can freely roam in a seemingly active, buzzing city. People doing their business, cars driving slowly, some cops chasing criminals and crashing into a wall, fire trucks and ambulances rushing to the scene...

..But when you turn a corner, the game world instantly forgets about all the dynamic content that was there. When you come back, only seconds later, the buildings and streets are still the same, but even stationary cars in a parking lot will be different. Wreckages, panicking people, the ambulance, all have disappeared.

Everything you run into is totally random - but it's made to look real for the brief moment that you focus your attention on it.

Of course in dreams even the static content like the buildings will change to accommodate anything that you happen to think about.
If I could make a system to get people to lucid dream at that level with the push of a button I would have more sales than all the video game systems combined.
Or you'd become a counterculture icon and soon your dreaming system would only be manufactured illegally in third world countries and some small-scale clandestine operations, and people would go to rehab or jail for being caught with it.

I suppose the astral projection / obe thing is one of the archetypal human experiences. Ability to see oneself from the outside - for real or not, to us it will feel real.
It could very well be that reality is just a mass halucination.
On this I agree. Sadly humans can't agree on what they are hallucinating about and many of us also try to drag other people into our surreal fantasies. Meaning for example how our leaders often seem to be very much out of touch with reality, yet they do everything they can to make our realities the same as theirs.

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re: the hyperdimensional resonator

Post by Eric » Mon Jul 31, 2006 4:59 pm

What I mean is with the lucid dreaming, is that all these sensations occur at the same time, not only when you are focusing on something, and when your concious mind is in control things and events will remain even if you go to some other part of the dream and then come back.

The only thing I could compare it to would be the holo-deck on star trek.

Talking like a pirate does not qualify as experience, this should be common sense, as pirates have little real life experience in anything other than smelling bad, and contracting venereal diseases

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re: the hyperdimensional resonator

Post by Mark » Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:15 am

To some extent, perhaps all of us associate some things with other things in an abstract way, some more than others. While I don't love the smell of napalm in the morning, I do have a strange thought and it goes like this. When I was but a lad my older brothers and their friends caught as many skinks as possible out in the woods and let them go on the side of our house which had a huge growth of climbing tomato plants on a lattice. The next morning there were dozens of these beautifully colored lizards, that is, the underside of their neck was iridescent blue and green, the body smooth and stripey. These skinks were smooth, plump creatures native to Mississippi, we lived in Biloxi on the USAF Base just before I moved to Pakistan and another USAF base, ha. To this day when I smell a tomato leaf, it brings back those lizards and their beautifully colored necks. How strange the mind is.
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re: the hyperdimensional resonator

Post by larry cottrill » Thu Aug 03, 2006 12:06 pm

I think that smells must be some of the more powerful memory triggers we have. To me it seems that the sense of smell atrophies significantly and rapidly with age. I can remember complaining to one of my teachers in junior high school that I could no longer smell things like earth and grass with the intensity I could as a small child. It seemed as if the simplest enjoyments of life were just ebbing away, never to return. I can still remember smells from lawns, gardens, lakes, downtown exhaust fumes, etc. from when I was 4 or 5 years old, but haven't experienced anything like them for decades.

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Re: re: the hyperdimensional resonator

Post by larry cottrill » Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:52 pm

vhautaka wrote:Some people are already experimenting with implants that are connected to nerve cells in arms for example. Don't know how they're doing - but I suppose a binary interface would be easier to learn than the thousands of little muscle movements needed for example for typing...
Here's a guy who got re-wired in order to hear his favorite piece of symphonic music again, after several years of deafness (from Wired magazine - the title is supposed to be My Bionic Quest for Bolero):

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re: the hyperdimensional resonator

Post by Irvine.J » Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:52 am

This is the point where i'd urge those willing to try these induced states of consiousness to also be careful, wether you believe it or not some of us have manifested wounds on our physical body that we incurred in our dreams. These are not self inflicted (as in your scratch or bang yourself during sleep- I mean you litterally can manifest wounds.)Thats all i'm going to say.

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